UPSR Scholarship Program
The BLET UPSR General Committee of Adjustment (UPSR) offers annual scholarships in an amount up to $2,000 to children of active BLET UPSR members. Applicants must be the son, daughter, financial dependent or ward of a UPSR GCA member in good standing per the BLET Bylaws. Before applying, please review some eligibility and membership requirements listed below:
In order for their son, daughter or financial dependent (as defined herein) to be scholarship eligible, a member must be 1) current on dues; 2) have maintained continuous membership in a BLET Local Division(s) represented by the BLET UPSR GCA for a period of no less than two (2) years immediately preceding the deadline date for submission of scholarship application; and 3) maintain such membership relationship through and including the entirety of the period between scholarship submission and the end of the academic year to which the scholarship applies. Periodically, an inquiry will be made to verify the concerned member’s status with their Local Division. Any member failing to maintain membership pursuant to the foregoing will result in forfeiture of any scholarship awarded to their son, daughter or financial dependent and will be required promptly to remit to the GCA the moneys received or be subject to legal action to recover same.
View the 2024 UPSR GCA Bylaw Addendum that revised the UPSR Scholarship Program.
2025-2026 School Year
Scholarship applications are now being accepted for the UPSR GCA Scholarship Program for academic school years 2025-2026.
You can view the Scholarship Letter sent to each Division’s Executive Committee here.
In order to be considered, scholarship applications must be received by the UPSR GCA Secretary-Treasurer before March 1, 2025, to be considered.